Wednesday, January 28, 2009

... and then I woke up ...

Huzzah. I'm now one of several million other Americans who are now unemployed. While I search mostly in vain for a new job, here's a picture of the old Meat Over Moscow line-up in a picture we took ironically for CityLife a couple of years ago. Enjoy! From Left: Me, Ian and Wyatt McKenzie.



Pj Perez said...

There is nothing ironic about that photo.


Hey, have you considered man-whoring?

Aaroneous said...

Yes, I've also thought about beginning production on something I'd like to call "hipster porn." The possibilities are endless!

AKSquared said...

Hoorah and welcome to the ranks, m'boy! Here's your hat and nametag. Please take your spot at the end of the line; no one will be getting back to you anytime soon. But, please! Remember: it's nothing against you, and you have exactly the skills we need. So don't feel slighted or useless when we don't call you back.